Book chapters and journal articles
Academic publications:Book chapters:
‘Heroic Satans and other Hitchcockian Heresies’, chapter for Hitchcock’s Moral Gaze, edited by R. Barton Palmer, Homer B. Pettey and Steven M. Saunders, SUNY Press, 2017.
‘Alfred Hitchcock’, chapter for Blackwell Companion to Crime Fiction edited by Lee Horsley and Charles Rzepka, Blackwell, 2010.
‘Alphabetti Spaghetti: Round table discussion of Zorn’s Lemma’ with Nicolas De Oliveira and Gilly Fox in Partial Fictions, Mulberry Tree Press, 2011.
‘Narrative supplements: DVD and the idea of the “text”’ (written with Paul Cobley), chapter for New Narratives: Stories and Storytelling in the Digital Age edited by Bronwen Thomas and Ruth Page, University of Nebraska Press, 2011.
Journal articles:
‘Ushering in the ‘80s: Chariots of Fire’ in Sussex Working Papers in British Cinema, 1993
Review of Cultural Populism by Jim McGuigan in Media, Culture and Society, vol. 15 (1993), pp 506-539
Review of British Cinema and Thatcherism, ed. Lester Friedman and Deadline at Dawn by Judith Williamson in Media, Culture and Society, vol. 16 (1994), pp 538-539
‘Image and Identity in Metropolitan Sexual Subcultures’ in Diatribe (Journal from the Centre for the Study of Language and Cultural Theory, Southampton University), no. 4, Winter 1994/5
‘Introduction’ to Subject Matters: A Journal of Communications and Subjectivity, Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 2003 pp 1-8
‘Enlightenment and Post-Enlightenment Subjectivity’ in Subject Matters, Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 2003 pp 9-28
‘The Ethics of Truth’ in Subject Matters, Vol.1, No.2, Spring 2004 pp 37-46
Edited with Jon Baldwin: ‘Faultlines: Simon Critchley in Discussion on Alain Badiou’ in Polygraph: An International Journal of Culture and Politics Number 17 (2005) pp 295-307
‘Introduction’ in Subject Matters, Vol. 2, No.1, Winter 2005, Special Edition: Badiou and Subjectivity, pp 1-4
‘Afterword’ in Subject Matters, Vol.2, No.1, Winter 2005, Special Edition: Badiou and Subjectivity pp 85-90
‘Vertigo and RePossessed’ in Vertigo, Winter 2006.
‘Introduction’ and ‘The Spoto Myth’ in RePossessed exhibition catalogue CD, October 2006.
(With Chris Lane) ‘Television On: Interactivity and the Future of the Image’, an interview with John Wyver in Vertigo, Volume 3, Number 7, Autumn 2007.
‘In this (mediated) World: realism, dialogue and pedagogy in media studies’ International Journal of Applied Semiotics Autumn 2007, pp65-78.
‘Domestic Digital Photography’, written with Paul Cobley, Visual Studies, Spring 2009, pp123-146.
‘What’s Wrong with the Primacy of Theory’, Journal of Visual Art Practice, Spring 2009, pp173-189.
Conference proceedings:
‘Fear Itself: a Post-psychoanalytic Approach to Cinematic Anxiety’ translated into Greek in The Scarecrow: Fear in Art and Life Greece: Averoff Museum, 2007. ISBN 978 960 7694 17 1